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Rieta Basrawigestorben am 15. Juli 2021


schrieb am 28. Juli 2023 um 8.52 Uhr

July remains unforgotten! In memory ❤️


schrieb am 16. Juli 2022 um 9.10 Uhr

Memories 15.07.2021

Midnight, not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan
Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can dream of the old days
Life was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again
Every street lamp seems to beat
A fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamp sputters
And soon it will be morning
Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin
Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale, cold smell of morning
A street lamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning
Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun


Syrill, Raymond und Monique
schrieb am 28. Juli 2021 um 11.18 Uhr

möchten wir allen sagen die sich in stiller Trauer mit uns verbunden fühlten, ihre Anteilnahme in so vielfältiger Weise zum Ausdruck brachten und gemeinsam mit uns Abschied nahmen.

In liebevollen Gedenken an Rieta Basrawi, geb. Schaper.

Syrill, Raymond und Monique

Thank you,
we would like to say to all those who felt connected with us in silent mourning, who expressed their sympathy in so many ways and who joined us in saying goodbye.

In loving memory of Rieta Basrawi, née Schaper.

Syrill, Raymond and Monique


Michael and Nora Basrawi
schrieb am 25. Juli 2021 um 21.59 Uhr

Liebe Siro,Raymond und Monique,
Zum Tode Eure lieben Frau und Mutter sagen wir unser herzliches Beileid. Wir wünschen euch dieseelische Kraft, den Verlust zu tragen.
Mit stillen Gruß
Michael und Nora


Nedim and Didem Makzume
schrieb am 23. Juli 2021 um 14.00 Uhr

Dear Siro, Raymond and Monique, please accept our sincere condolences for the loss of your dear mother Rita. With affection .
Nedim and Didem Makzumé


Kerim Makzume
schrieb am 23. Juli 2021 um 13.55 Uhr

Raymond, Monique , my wife Raya joins me in sending you our most sincere condolences for the loss of Rita, your beloved mother and to uncle Siro our love.
Kerim and Raya Makzume


Maya and family
schrieb am 23. Juli 2021 um 13.53 Uhr

Dear uncle Siro, Dear cousins Raymond and Monique, I was very sad to learn the passing away of dear Rita. I still remember her very well. Please accept my sincere condolences and I join my prayers to yours for her soul to Rest In Peace.
Maya Makzume-Chatila and family


Fouad and Monda Hissen
schrieb am 20. Juli 2021 um 22.15 Uhr

Dear Siro, Raymond, Monique and family,
With great sorrow we learned of the passing of our dear Rieta whom we shall miss. We remember the times she hosted us in and took care of
our children while Monda went shopping.
Sorry for your loss and may she rest in eternal peace.
Fouad and Monda


Zeina & Nabil
schrieb am 19. Juli 2021 um 7.22 Uhr

Dear Cyril, Raymond, & Monique:
We’re very sad to hear of Rita’s passing and hope she’s now in a better place. Please accept our sincere condolences to you and your families.
Zeina & Nabil